#CyberFest 23 Online Events Revisted

There were two online events at this year’s #CyberFest. Here is your chance to view them if you missed them or wanted to revisit some useful points. Starting your own business: https://youtu.be/EFCDIgU_FZQ Cyber careers and training: https://youtu.be/Ix2qHXNGTpI...

#CyberFest Week 4 – The Big One

We’re going out with a bang in the last week of #CyberFest, with another six events including the Big One, the Colossus, the Behemoth, ‘El Gordo’ even, but before we get to that let’s start on Monday. Those of you who have been involved with CyberNorth’s work over the...

#CyberFest week three

Week three of the North East’s biggest cyber security festival is a little quieter than week two with only (?) three events, one online and two in person. It could be the eye of the storm as the last week gets very busy again. The first event, #8 in the schedule is a...

#CyberFest week 2

#CyberFest is starting off slowly this year, with only one event in the first week. That’s the week where the schools go back and a lot of people have many other things on which to focus their attention. Week two is a different kettle of fish, with six events in...

Innovation and the future

Cyber security is a fast changing industry with new threats and solutions appearing almost daily. Who knows what the future will bring as technology speeds improve and the way people interact with it evolves?  In truth nobody can, though we can have some good...

We need more new businesses

One of CyberNorth’s objectives, number three if you are keeping count, is to support the growth of new cyber security businesses. This may seem at odds with our second objective, which is to support the growth of existing businesses but this is not the case. One of...