News and Views

Our regularly updated CyberNorth blog, featuring cyber security sector insights, advice, digital discussion and thought leadership. 


These posts are regularly updated and feature a mixture of posts from team CyberNorth and cluster community members. If you’d like to write a guest blog – get in touch via

Avoiding Burnout in Cyber Security Teams

As part of the TechNExt Festival, we hosted a roundtable with one of main supporters, Accenture.  The discussion centred around burnout, what it is, how it manifests itself and the techniques to not just help your team avoid but also recognise the early signs. 

Innovation Centre – two workshops done

They say that everyday is a  school day and that is certainly true now that the CyberNorth Cyber Security Innovation Centre is finally underway, with the enormous support of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. A lot has changed in the last...