Be a Part of CyberNorth
Welcome to the CyberNorth community – our cluster is open to any organisation or individual working in the cyber security sector across the region. If that’s you – become a part of the cluster!
Why Get Involved?
The CyberNorth community is made up of the cyber security businesses and influencers, users of cyber security services, academia, public sector and individual innovators and thought leaders. Our welcoming, inclusive community provides a hub of peer led expertise, innovation potential, shared learning, sector leadership and the cluster framework facilitates a means to collaborate and connect as cyber security businesses.
To become a part of the CyberNorth cluster – drop us an email:

As a Cluster Business You Can:
Network, collaborate and grow your business
Meet with other cyber security companies to share challenges, opportunities and experiences. Collaborate with other cluster companies and grow your business. You can do this at our events and by connecting with the community via our Twitter, @north_biz
The CyberNorth Cluster meets regularly online and in person; we run a programme of networking and thought-leadership events including an annual festival each September – #CyberFest. At these events and gatherings, you can network and hear from expert industry thought leaders, innovators and influencers.
Influence and contribute
Our peer led network is open to all working or connected to the cyber sector industry in the North East. The cluster provides opportunities to have your voice heard – to connect, come together, collaborate, share learning and influence sector conversations and be at the forefront of National industry needs, innovation and opportunities.
Get involved in our talent and learning exchange
The cluster is full of regional talent which you will be able to tap into – we have a network of leaders and organisations within our network that have a wealth of insights, expertise and looking to connect, collaborate and others looking for advice and support. We are also investing into talent development and working with organisations to create the talent of the future.
Find out about investment, grants and growth opportunities
We will keep you in touch with what is available in the North East through local authorities, innovation centres, accelerator programmes and grants.
Market your business
Our cluster provides marketing opportunities galore – sponsor an event, submit a talk or research paper to present at a CyberNorth event, write a guest blog, list your organisation on the website and more!
Have access to research and industry insights
We share with you our research and signpost to industry insights keeping you informed of all that is happening in cyber security regionally, Nationally and Internationally
Shape the future of the industry
The cluster framework facilitates a means to collaborate and connect as cyber security businesses, enabling our region to operate on a National platform more competitively and with increased united profile. Being a member and contributing your insights, means you shape and influence the future of the industry.
Be a Part of CyberNorth
If you’d like to become a part of the CyberNorth cluster drop us an email: or go to our contact page and let’s connect!