Women in Tech North East

Women in Tech North East

34 34 people viewed this event.

Celebrate Allyship in Tech.

Women in Tech North East are excited to invite you to a special panel event celebrating allyship in the tech industry. For the first time, the Women in Tech North East event is open to all genders because building a more inclusive future takes all of us.

Join the group for an inspiring afternoon of honest conversations as a panel of industry leaders (to be announced soon), explores what meaningful allyship looks like, how we can collectively break down barriers, and why diversity benefits everyone.

You’ll then have the opportunity to enjoy some refreshments while chatting to other people from the community who are interested in digital and tech!

Whether you’re an active ally or looking to learn how to better support women in tech, this event is for you.

Let’s champion a more inclusive tech community together.

Running order:

  • Arrival from 13.30
  • 13.45 Welcome from Leighton
  • 13.50 – 14.40 Panel discussion (panellists to be announced soon)
  • 14.40 – 14.45 Wrap up from Women in Tech North East CIC
  • 14.45 Coffee, cake and conversation
  • Departure at 15.30

If the event is showing as fully booked then do join the waiting list because there’s always a flurry of returned tickets in the runup to the event


Event registration closed.

Date And Time

31/03/2025 @ 13:30 to
31/03/2025 @ 15:30

Registration End Date


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