About Us
CyberNorth is the cyber security cluster for the North East of England supporting
the growth and development of the regional cyber security sector.
Welcome to CyberNorth
Welcome to the CyberNorth community – we are the cyber security cluster for North East England. Our cluster is open to any organisation or individual working in the cyber security sector across the region.
The CyberNorth community is made up of the cyber security businesses and influencers, users of cyber security services, academia, public sector and individual innovators and thought leaders. The community provides a hub of peer led expertise, innovation potential, shared learning, sector leadership and the cluster framework facilitates a means to collaborate and connect as cyber security businesses, enabling our region to operate on a national platform more competitively and with a united profile.
The CyberNorth cluster meets regularly online and in person, runs a programme of networking and thought-leadership events including an annual festival each September – #CyberFest.

Cluster Values
Community through connection
CyberNorth unites the rich community of cyber security businesses and professionals and through events, sector meet-ups, networking, our annual #CyberFest every September provides a means to meaningfully connect with others and hook into our community. We hope this peer led community provides the foundations for sharing learning and seeking expertise, identifying opportunities, coming together to collaborate and a framework to grow together stronger showcasing the strength of the regional cyber security sector on a national (and international) stage.
Collaboration to enable competitiveness
CyberNorth supports the growth and development of cyber security businesses, bringing the sector together to collaborative and connect, whilst recognising the highly competitive nature of the business landscape. CyberNorth is a community in which you can share what you’re working on, share challenges, solutions, opportunities, sector news, ask for help, support each other, share technology innovations and the ambition is that through this community collaboration and working together, we can be more competitive as a region.
Talented connections
The cluster community showcases, a strong vibrant collective of expertise, collaborative innovation potential and sector talent; we recognise and celebrate the wealth of talent in the region. This talent represents opportunity and growth, mobilised and connected meaningfully through CyberNorth. Our cluster’s engagement with regional and national cyber security governing bodies, projects, businesses, Universities and local authorities alongside the strength of our community, means we have the potential to become a leader in cyber security talent development enabling sector start-ups, attracting businesses into the area and career pathways.
CyberNorth’s Prime Position
CyberNorth is recognised by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) as representing the region.
Our cluster is part of UKC3, the UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration, an organisation working to bring all UK cyber clusters together to learn from each other, share good practice and develop national initiatives. CyberNorth is also a part of GlobalEPIC (Global Ecosystems Partnered in Innovation and Cybersecurity), founded to network and grow international cyber security innovation ecosystems and co-create, and adopt, world-changing solutions to high-impact cyber security challenges, both current and emergent.
CyberNorth works closely with other sector clusters across the region including:
- FinTech
- Space
- HealthTech
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Renewables
The objectives of CyberNorth are aligned with regional and national strategies including:
- UK Industrial Strategy
- National Cyber Security Strategy
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programme
- The Northern Powerhouse
- North East Strategic Economic Plan
- Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan
- North of Tyne Combined Authority Devolution Deal and Economic Vision
- North of Tyne Inclusive Economy Policy
If you’re curious about what CyberNorth could offer you and your business – check out one of our events, sign up to our mailing list below and follow us on Twitter @north_biz
Cluster Purpose
Our cluster purpose is to support the growth and development of the regional cyber security sector. Cluster member businesses are united in striving for the North East to be:
- A region of high cyber security awareness and infrastructural resilience for all businesses
- A centre of excellence in the delivery of cyber security related services
- A centre of excellence in the delivery and development of high-quality cyber security students and employees
- Noted for research, development and innovation in cyber security.