CyberNorth is working with Lumi to bring a new and exciting approach to skills development to the cybersecurity and FinTech sectors across the North East.

Lumi is an adaptation of a successful programme developed at Stanford University. Launched in 2004, the programme uses Design-Thinking to train people to develop breakthrough ideas and deep skills.

Candidates participate in a unique online Quest: A cohort of 10 candidates undertake a design-thinking journey lasting 10 sessions, supported by trained facilitators

Candidates obtain a Lumi Digital Skills Passport: The Passport captures twelve AI, Durable and Domain skills developed while building a tangible solution for a real-world challenge. The Passport is accredited by Singapore Biodesign, an affiliate of Stanford University’s Centre for Biodesign.

Candidates get hired or fast-tracked to final round: Recruiters use the evidence captured in the passport to hire those with the best fit.

Over the coming few months, the programme is looking to run 10 to 12 facilitated quests, with cohorts drawn from those who are:

  • Not in Education, Employment, or Training
  • Studying at a 6th Form College
  • Studying at University

You can find out more about the programme in the video below.

To express your interest or find out more, please contact us at