Gateshead College, in partnership with CyberNorth, are now uniquely placed to offer a new Flexi-Job Apprenticeship scheme centred around cyber security technology roles. More information about Gateshead College’s PlanBEE programme can be found here. A recording of the online briefing from 11 July 2024 can be found here.
We want to hear from any North East SME business and organisation which already had a dedicated ICT department and is looking to secure future technology skills and growth needs.
Work Experience:
• PlanBEE is a shared apprenticeship scheme, with employment hosted by the North East Apprenticeship Company (NEAC)
• Designed to replicate real employment conditions and promote collaboration and multi-disciplinary team working
• Apprentices ‘rotate’ between sponsor companies to gain skills and experience
• For example, based on 8 employers and 8 apprentices; apprentices undertake 4 work placements (2 a year), for up to six months at a time – this would mean not every employer would see every apprentice however this gives a longer period in a
• Apprentices undertake real work and are treated as full time employees
• Move to a different employer after each placement to gain broad and varied experience working in different organisations
• Sign NDAs at each placement
The scheme’s aim is for the apprentice to combine technology and cyber security studies with real-world experience with placements across several companies, in a cyber-related role, over the duration of the apprenticeship. This offers the apprentice a chance to experience different work-place environments and duties, as well as potential job offers at the end.