The Cyber Security Innovation Centre is an accelerator programme brought to the North East by CyberNorth through funding from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).
What is the purpose of the Innovation Centre?
The North East needs more innovation in cyber security and more startups in this sector. The Innovation Centre will champion and develop new and innovative hardware and software cyber security products. It aims to create an environment which encourages growth and supports new and emerging businesses towards maturity.
Who is the Innovation Centre for?
The Innovation Centre is for anyone who is 18 or older who would like to develop a product or service in the cyber security sector. It is aimed at businesses at either early stage or pre-startup stage and its maturity can be anywhere from initial concept development or an already incorporated business.
Those in the cohort can be in education, employment or otherwise. As long as the business idea relates to cyber security and you want help either getting off the ground or finding out whether it’s viable, the Innovation Centre is for you!
What is involved in the Innovation Centre Programme?
The accelerator programme follows a six month incubator style course. Interactive workshops delivered by highly regarded professionals in the business support industry take place, covering topics on:
- Product
- Company
- Customers
- Sales
- Finance
- People
The cohort have access to two physical office spaces in Durham and Newcastle provided by our partners Atom Bank and floe, which they are welcome to use as and when needed.
Networking opportunities and access to industry leaders will be made available to those one the programme, as well as peer-to-peer support.
Workshops will:
- Be held at each location once per month
- Encourage delegates to work at and attend workshops at either site
- Include a chance to network
- Include least one workshop expert, an employee of a cyber security business and an academic, where appropriate.
- Be a mixture of presentation and interaction
- Have time for Q&A
Why should I apply to the Innovation Centre Programme?
It is a fully funded programme that is not usually accessible to early stage businesses and as such is a unique opportunity to learn what it takes to not only develop a business but to run it and grow it into a successful entity.
It is an unprecedented initiative which could see more centres being rolled out across the region and the UK.
How do I apply for the Innovation Centre Programme?
You just need to submit an application – which you can find here: Online form.
Businesses will go through a selection process, which includes an interview.
We hope to start the first cohort in April, running through to September, with the potential to pitch at CyberFest in October at the end of the programme.
If you have any further questions you can contact us at hello@cybernorth.biz