It’s that time of year. #CyberFest is back for its sixth year as the North East’s biggest cyber security festival. This time CyberNorth is partnering with local managed IT and cyber security service provider, Aspire Technology Solutions to bring some familiar events and some very different ones. At the time of writing this there are fourteen events published and there could well be more to follow.
The aim of the festival has always been to raise the profile of the North East as a strong cyber security region, covering all aspects of the sector, from commercial businesses, through public sector and including academia. It is the way that each part of the sector works together that makes CyberNorth such a strong community.
This year, however, CyberNorth is aiming to go bigger and further with a major showcase event to be held at Newcastle United’s St. James’ Park. This will show the strength of the region on a national and international stage, drawing speakers from across the country as well as from abroad.The showcase event takes place on Tuesday 26th September with the final event, BSides Newcastle at Newcastle College on Saturday the 30th. Tickets for both these events are nearly sold out so please follow the link below if you want to come along.
There is plenty more to get your teeth into, whether your understanding of the cyber security industry is advanced, starting out or just plain curious. The festival gets underway on the 5th of the month with an event aimed at getting people to think about starting their own business. The region needs more startups and this online event will give some practical tips of the things to think about and where to get advice from.
There are online events, in-person events, round table discussions (some invite only) and even a schools’ debate. They focus on emerging issues and opportunities, addressing skills, regions, aligned sectors and specific technology sets.
There is really something for everyone, from senior management, technicians, resilience professionals to students and young people.
Get involved by clicking here for more information and to secure your tickets.