In my CyberNorth role within the Northeast CyberFirst programme for schools, I attended the
National Cyber Security Centre’s (NCSC) two-day conference in Leeds, alongside Janine Marshal
from RTC North (coordinating the admin of regional STEM ambassadors) and Nik Kelsey (in his role
for CyberFirst education in the Northeast and nationally for cyber-related education matters).
My own objectives for the conference were to gain a better insight into how the national education
and academic world was adapting to, and strengthening, responses to existing and emerging cyber
security threats.
There were great key-note speakers on a wide-range of topics, including:
- CISSE UK, and the Cyber Security Education Problem Book
- UK Cyber Security Council
- Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
- UK Cyber Cluster Collaboration (UKC3)
- Making Cyber Security More accessible
As well as the key-note presentations, there were breakout sessions each day for an interesting mix
of education and CyberFirst presentations – I mostly went along to industry-engagement topics,
which were interesting to listen to, as different regions in the UK seemed to be employing different
techniques and platforms, including for cyber skills and governance. So food for thought on how we
might employ some of those novel ideas to continue to stimulate Cyber/STEM ambassador sign-ups
here in the Northeast! Thanks, NCSC for holding a very successful and enlightening event.
Andrew Pounder,
CyberNorth Business Engagement Manager