Cyber Security and your Business

Cyber Security and your Business

26 26 people viewed this event.

During this event we will. explore and understand national and regional cyber security context.

We will then explore what we can do to protect ourselves (at little or no cost), and the steps we can take should the worst happen to your business.

This event will support your understanding of cyber security, it’s importance nationally and regionally. The event is designed to inform you of the context, the options you can do to protect your business and where to seek advice, support and guidance.

Key takeaways might include:

– Resources available to you

– Where to turn to in the case of needing advice, support and guidance

– The context as to where cyber security fits nationally and regionally & why it should be taken seriously.

This event is designed for all our membership but particularly those in leadership and management functions within those organisations, with an enhanced focus on managing performance, such as IT, infrastructure, risk and operations.